Purple Polo- About me

Hiya penguins my name's Purple Polo and I'm a new author on Club Penguin Congress™. First off I'll tell you how I became an author here, well it all started when I found out that Me12101 was quitting blogging from Lime Cheats (He isn't now though) and Ting was looking for a new author so I emailed him telling him why I thought I should be the new author and he emailed me back asking me if I wanted to be an author here because he'd just took over. And obviously I said yes, and here I am!
Club Penguin name: Purple Polo
Pandanda name: PurplePants (I would've called myself PurplePolo but it was already being used :'( and I don't know why the heck I called myself PurplePants!)
Planet Cazmo Name: PurplePolo (to be completely honest I don't really go on it 'cause in my opinion its rubbish)
I'm 12 years young and I live in the UK. I have 4 penguins but I rarely go on 3 of them, my main penguin is Purple Polo it is a member, but has only been one since the end of January, and I would consider it to be quite rare-ish as it is 941 days old. If you want to find me I go on the servers Rocky Road, Marshmallow and Sherbet, but I only add people I know sorry. That's all from me, rock on!
~ Purple Polo xxx


  1. Congrats on being a author!

  2. hey melissa im sooooo happy for you!
    and yes you can borrow club elite force
    from a old pal
    Tommy Jess *Jess*

  3. .... Ting quick question does the poll for new author apply to you anymore?

  4. @ tootie n moony


    I dont know.......... lol


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