Kook's 1st CP Party, And 20,000 Hits and 2,000 Hits!!!!!!!!

The party was a blast and we took some pictures!Well I am sort dancing some where where I don't even know where I am!LOL Well we will have another party soon and thanks to everyone who came and was there!Well the person that I added was....... Lynnzie5103!Well I am having a author contest after Alto Bhai Finishes his!And finally I am 1 year old on Club Penguin!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!!!Well I gotta go get me some lucky charms!C'ya!

*Kookle910, Club Penguin Congress™ Cheat Agent*


  1. LOL

    The party rocked!I added Orange Land, Kookle, Pengithebest, Skaterjessie and more!! Yays!

  2. Am i the ONLY one in purple?!?!?!


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