Not my changes

Please note that the changes made to the site were none of my concern :\
I liked the header but apparantly alto didn't so he removed it. And also people were saying they hate this, hate that, hate the other since I came and Im tired of it. :P If you don't like me then you don't have to look at this site or  post comments about the colours clashing or the header's bad. 



  1. BTW, this site is awesome. I donno why ppl wanna complain about it...
    Probably they want Alto Bhai BACK...
    no offense...But you're still a great blogger and a great choice to be the President of CP congress!! Matter of the fact, you did a great effort to raise this blog up and you're soon going to be like Alto Bhai. The other authors here are also a great cooperative group and in return, people are pretty pleased with your punchual cheats!! I suppose they are trying to offend you to make you quit this job and they'd beg your other authors to take them as your position...temporaly or permanent.
    Is there any spell check here? I know I got some badd spelling mistakes here...augghhhh

  2. we want alto bhai bak

  3. we dont want u go away or our group will fight


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