Pengithebest is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hello penguins
me pengithebest is the new author of this site. i and alto are dear friends since alto quit this blog i was so sad and i couldnt bear it and then ting was the new owner of this blog
i know ting but i dont know him verymuch but still im a friend of him
i asked alto whether he could give his blog to me but he said that i was not experienced in blogging anyway i didnt worry for that but i and alto wont split forever
anyway heres a pic of me and im a member in clubpenguin
and also i love playing clubpenguin verymuch i do often go to clubpenguin and i go to the server mostly to fjord you can meet me in fjord in any place mostly on town,dock,my igloo in map if im online and some more places
i also do have a clubpenguin cheats site it is
i have all updates in my site and i do update it in time please visit my site if you want to become an author in my site just email me at
or if you want me an author on your site just email me to join your site
anyways bye from you alll
@!~pengithebest~!@ (my signature)


  1. Congratz' on being a new author! :D

    ~ Puprle Polo

  2. yo purple and thanks for welcoming me and also check my site =]


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