My New Hacked Free Blog!

Hey guys, I haven't posted in quite a while. But I am now. I didn't post about it, but some one hacked my blog... twice. Ya, so I deicde to quit. But my friend Jenny got so upset. Then I couldn't stand not being able to post cheats. So I made anew account with an IMPOSSIBLE pass! :D So I am back to cheats! My new blog is called Club Penguin Stars, and with help from my good friend Lady Maryann, it is now running smoothly! Here is the link: CLICK HERE. I would really appreciate it if you visited. I am up to date on ALL cheats. I would love it if you followed and commented too! I had started brand new, so I didn't have an link on my old blog back to my site. So I am writing on a clean slate, you know? I would love to have my followers up to 30 like Alto's! I am gonna try and compete with Alto! :D

*Alto, just wait and see! ;-)

~Millywily, HERE TO BE HAPPY~

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