Fake Rockhopper Trackers!

RockHopper Trackers are fake!!!!!!Well I am so sorry for you poor penguins believing this crap!!!!Sorry...Anyway this Rockhopper Tracker is from Straw000, and is a fake tracker!!!!!!!!Well if any of you penguins who thought it was real, it's not!!!!!Well all you have to do is just keep looking and searching long. Here are some hints to find Rockhopper: He likes to visit his ship hold, the dock, the pizza parlor, the iceburg, and the cove.He also likes to go on top servers on the first page of servers and bottom low servers like Antartic, and Wool Socks, (These are just examples, they might have him, they might not.)Well Good Hunting!!!**Kook**


  1. Dude they do work... thats how I found him. Some just dont update

  2. they work it is acurate and it updates correctly,i ahve found cadence using it


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