Mini contest for my authors

Well since its hard to choose the head of the site I want my authors to try to prove them selves by making posts about today's CP cheats. The author that makes them first will be one step closer to becoming the new head of the site. So get posting. Good luck !

- Alto Bhai, Soon to be no longer Club Penguin Congress ™ Head -


  1. Im quiting cp blogging so it not me!

  2. Club Penguin Oscars-- Latest News!

    Hey! Starting today you can vote your favorite all-time play from The Stage. Also, if you are a member, you can access all the fun by going to The Stage. There you can see short movies of all the plays from the last year. If you are going to the Backstage, you can take your free item: an Oscar! Cool, huh?


Any links , harmful language or insults will not be posted.

New Catalogue Cheats and Mine under Construction
You can also still apply for the blogroll by commenting! -Ting