Weve shot right past 30000 hits and no one told me! We are in need of a PARTAY!
So... I will arrange it tonight and hopefully soon a party will hit you in the face! Not literally.



April Fools Party Update.

Here's what BillyBob said;
It's April Fool's Day on Wednesday, and you know what that means... Anything is possible while we celebrate silliness during this wacky party in Club Penguin! We hope to see you being silly and waddling around with your friends in search of special boxes! There are a lot of surprises for everyone, and some special things for members - we can't wait to hear what you think.
Hmm... I wonder what the "special" boxes are. Well I guess I'll have to find out tomorrow!
In other news there is a new Penguin Style catalogue out on Friday, and BillyBob said if you like gardening gear you might want to check it out. Hmmm.
~ Purple Polo

Saikrish and bgej decides to quit

We have decided to quit cp blogging as it has lots of cheats but we are not quitting cp,we still chat with our friends and we have planned to select a new admin for this site ,if you wanna be a admin or author of this site,just comment and thanks for all the support you gave us by coming to this site which made us realy happy, iam sad to quit and leave you guys but i have to study my ninth grade and good luck to the new admin who may join.Those who wanna see us blogging can COME TO " " comment,follow and visit it daily AND all the best people.
-Your friend Saikrish

Pengithebest is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hello penguins
me pengithebest is the new author of this site. i and alto are dear friends since alto quit this blog i was so sad and i couldnt bear it and then ting was the new owner of this blog
i know ting but i dont know him verymuch but still im a friend of him
i asked alto whether he could give his blog to me but he said that i was not experienced in blogging anyway i didnt worry for that but i and alto wont split forever
anyway heres a pic of me and im a member in clubpenguin
and also i love playing clubpenguin verymuch i do often go to clubpenguin and i go to the server mostly to fjord you can meet me in fjord in any place mostly on town,dock,my igloo in map if im online and some more places
i also do have a clubpenguin cheats site it is
i have all updates in my site and i do update it in time please visit my site if you want to become an author in my site just email me at
or if you want me an author on your site just email me to join your site
anyways bye from you alll
@!~pengithebest~!@ (my signature)

Not my changes

Please note that the changes made to the site were none of my concern :\
I liked the header but apparantly alto didn't so he removed it. And also people were saying they hate this, hate that, hate the other since I came and Im tired of it. :P If you don't like me then you don't have to look at this site or  post comments about the colours clashing or the header's bad. 


April Fools Party!

Hey people, my good friend Tommy Jess (Jess) suggested i have an April Fools party so, I'm having an April Fools party at my igloo on Thursday, the invite is above. If you can't read the invite it says;
April Fools Party
When?: 1st April!
Where?: Sherbet, my igloo on map!
Time?: 10am (CPST)
SeE you ThErE!

If your wondering what I mean by fancy dress you have to be wearing something out of the ordinary like for example a moose head with an alien body, a lasso, a cape and a pair of flippers (its a pretty rubbish example, I hope you can do better!).
Comment if you can come!

~ Purple Polo

New login screen.

Theres a new login screen! If you can't see it and you didn't see it when you logged in it says, Surprises everywhere!
Get together with friends and join the search a the April Fools Party: April 1-6!
I can't wait, I've never been to an April Fools party I missed them all!

Great news!!!

Club penguin have decided to let NON members check out the penguin play awards!!! So starting TODAY everyone can go in the stage, but only members can go backstage!!
In other news there might be surprise visits from more special guests!!!
I'm soo happy for non members, now they get to see the awesomeness of the club penguin play awards!!

~ Purple Polo

Lots of new updates!

Heyy! Here are the new updates:

Firstly, the new pin is out! A top hat... :\ Yea that blends in well with the current theme in cp! NOT.
The new martail arts catalogue is out with 2 new free items, the white gei and a tea table. (I cant get the pics cos im not a ninja and other pics are copyrighted)

The new snow sculptures are wacky! Now there's 10 snow sculptures in cp!

The new Snow and Sports catalogue is out!

1st Page:

4th Page:

***See bottom of post

The new catalogues for some games are now out! Go to the dock, ski villiage and cove to find special posters!

Also the Small Screen option has gone! I didn't use it much, maybe thats why they took it off cos ppl weren't using it.

***And the last thing, there is a glitch in the new S+S catalogue. You can't buy the Baseball background! It says this item is unavailable then you have to log off! So don't bother trying it until its fixed. UPDATE: IT IS NOW FIXED.

P.S. I have a new video on yt with a FREE MEMBER ACCOUNT! All you have to do is subscribe for the pass!

And thats all!

~Ting - CPC Prez

New font!!

Hey penguins, the new font is out today!!! Its not what I was expecting but I like it... Anyway Can't wait til tommarow because of the ninja catalog and the new snow and sports catalog... Anyway thats it so until then...


New newspaper

More snow statues coming!

In the newspaper Club penguin have announced the next snow sculptor winners and here they are:
Yacou123, Zsanett, Eggy1plant, Imagem and Extraboum, well done all of you! Lets see if there any better than the ones around now!

New Game!!!!

Gear To Go!! Is he name of the new game starting march 27th (TOMMOROW).
Thats all from me. Toodles.

~ Purple Polo

New Snow and Sports catalog!

Hi people! On Friday there'll be new things in the Snow and Sports catalog, and for those of yuo who have beat the Sensei there will be new things in the Martial Artworks catalog.

~ Purple Polo

New Vice President of CPC

The new vice prez of CPC is............................... MILLYWILY! Congrats milly! Thanks for the header and twitter widget. This also means if im ever away on holiday/vacation then I will assign milly as an admin so she will be the leader of the site UNTIL I GET BACK. 
Don't worry though, Im not going away yet (I think)!


Member Badge Update.

Hey people, the club penguin team are updating members badges! Here's what they said;

In January, some of you may remember that the member badge was added. Since then, you've given us great ideas about how they could be updated and how they could be used in different ways! A lot of you tell us that you're proud to be a member, so the team's been busy working on an update to the badge to reflect the amount of months you've signed up for as a member.There are five different badges in total, each one displaying a range of months.
You'll be able to see the update today. In Other News: This Thursday, you might notice that when you're chatting with your penguin friends, the font in your chat bubbles will look different! Not everyone could see the other font very easily on their computers so we updated it to make it better for everyone.

Coolio! Comment and tell me what you think. Ciao ciao!

~ Purple Polo


YAY!!! I found Aunt Arctic, she's the first famous penguin I've ever found. Funny thing is, the last time Rock Hopper was here I thought I saw her but I just ignored it thinking it was my imagination, but now I've actually seen her I know it was her then because she looked exactly like that. Anyways, here are some tips on finding her or any other famous penguin:

Only check backstage, they can't be found anywhere else.
If you find a famous penguin comment on this post with the name and server you found them on so other people can find them!
Keep checking the comments to see if anyone has posted someones location.
They are most likely to be found on more crowded servers. (But you can still find them on servers with 3 or 4 bars)
Check for crowds of penguins in the stage trying to get backstage, any signs of crowds could mean they're in the room.
Aunt Arctic is a green penguin who wears black glasses and a pink toque.
Gary is a dark blue penguin with glasses and a white lab coat.

Create a search group with your friends and try to track them down.
Good Luck!!! XD

That's all from me, ciao ciao (if anyone's wondering, it's pronounced "chow chow").
~ Purple Polo xxx

SWF Links

The new SWF Links are now in the left sidebar! They're great! Like the music in CP? Catalogs? Books? Tutorials? Journals and lots more is what you can find at SWF LINKS!

~Ting - CPC Prez



Snow Sculptures

Heyy, just noticed no-one posted the snow sculptures! Here they are:
Congrats Lucasbas, Ice4Beil, Rosette37, Marco A9 and Wubby98!
~Ting - CPC Prez

HI ting and others

Ting: I would love to be ur friend! :P And yes, I will take good care of this site, you know, put a plaster on the sore bits, things like that. lol :P (I like doing sticky out tongues :P)

ting i have herd about u a little and congrats on becomin the head of cp congress ,plz take good care of this site and i am sad about alto quittin and i have a site too ,its name is cp rockers club i have been altos best friend and i would like to be ur friend too,guys comment on my post and i am having my 10,000 hits party,ppl come to my pary
-saikrish(who likes to be everyones friend) and all the bst ting and make this site good.

April Fools Sneak Peak!

Hey guys! Glad to see the site up and running again. BIG thanks to Millywily for making the brill header and twitter sign! My favourite party has always been the April fools party and now... its coming back!! Woot!!!!! Looks like the cardboard boxes are back! Sweeeet! 
Ps. Our site now owns! try it!
~Ting - CPC Prez

CP Awards are Here!

Hey everyone. I was roming Ting's blog and realized... THAT NO ONE POSTED AWARD CHEATS!
:-O Well that douesn't matter cozzzzz..... I am! I know there was no need for the big announcment! ;-)

Anyhows, the stage is only for mem-bers... sorry ONCE AGAIN non-members. Kinda stinks right?
The outside looks SO cool! But wait till you see de inside! :-)
First off, or our first cheat! Idf you go inside the stage, go to the corner into the 'secret room.'
In there you will find a table of trophys for TAKES! :D
Then if you go to the PLAZA, then you will see in the lower left side of the room. There is a little stand saying VOTE! Walk over to it and you wioll see this:
Well that is all the cheats... next time won't you sing along!
Where did that come from?!? ;-)

Purple Polo- About me

Hiya penguins my name's Purple Polo and I'm a new author on Club Penguin Congress™. First off I'll tell you how I became an author here, well it all started when I found out that Me12101 was quitting blogging from Lime Cheats (He isn't now though) and Ting was looking for a new author so I emailed him telling him why I thought I should be the new author and he emailed me back asking me if I wanted to be an author here because he'd just took over. And obviously I said yes, and here I am!
Club Penguin name: Purple Polo
Pandanda name: PurplePants (I would've called myself PurplePolo but it was already being used :'( and I don't know why the heck I called myself PurplePants!)
Planet Cazmo Name: PurplePolo (to be completely honest I don't really go on it 'cause in my opinion its rubbish)
I'm 12 years young and I live in the UK. I have 4 penguins but I rarely go on 3 of them, my main penguin is Purple Polo it is a member, but has only been one since the end of January, and I would consider it to be quite rare-ish as it is 941 days old. If you want to find me I go on the servers Rocky Road, Marshmallow and Sherbet, but I only add people I know sorry. That's all from me, rock on!
~ Purple Polo xxx


congratulations ting on becoming the new owner of cpcongress cheats and u rock ting and i hope the header is cool once uv done to k anyways cya around on cp



hey guys i am really really sad that alto quit so i havent been posting srry i understand alto that u have to pay more attention to ur pandanda site but plz plz go on cp ateast 2 times a month or more u are really being missed of ur friends saik is really sad im sad and lots of others are but plz could you come on cp atleast 2 times a month


Ok, Things sorted out and About Me!

Ok, lets get things sorted out. We currently have 7 authors and for me, i think that is a bit much to handle. I have an application from someone whom I have emailed but hasn't replyed. So that will hopefully be 1/2. Then I need another so I think Alto is still holding his Author contest (yet to be confirmed) , whoever wins that shall be the new author as well as the other application. (Name withheld until confirmed) So thats that. Now to all the Authors already on here, Im sorry but you have been an author on here already so Im afraid i am going to have to remove you. I am very sorry at this and I hope you now don't hate me. (Millywilly, i need to speak to you, please email on ASAP)
If anyone is good at making headers please email me at
Also, I LOVE comments. I always love coming on to my dashboard and seeing that a comment has to be moderated so please comment comment comment! Ill tell you what, Once one person logged into the same account (Any name that is unique to you that other people cannot use, for eg, dont use the Name/URL option because anyone can put your name in it) reaches 200 comments they can be an author here for 2 weeks! LOL :p
And now about moi:
My cp name is Ting Tong09
Pandanda: TingTong09
Planet Cazmo: Ting Tong
I am 11 years old and like in the UK. My penguin is a member and is quite rare ageing 780 days (probably more by the time you see this) I also have another member, Slar6, non-member, saf34 and more non-members but I dont use them. I have met RH about 20 times lol and Cadence once. Still looking for G, The PB and AA. I love CP and Pandanda and play CP daily. Finally, If you see me waddling around CP, unless I know you, I wont add you because it isnt fair on people who want to be my buddy but others have got there first and my list is full. Thank you!



Hello penguins of the earth! Im Ting Tong09 of Lime Cheats and also the new owner of this site! So first of all, i wont be posting cheats for maybe 24 hours while i get this site changed to my likings (lol) now that altos gone (Thank you alto for making me the new owner!) i need to change some things. Meanwhile for cheats go to Lime Cheats. Thanks!!! (Later i will do a post or page about me)


TingTong09's new head of Club Penguin Congress ™ Head

Well finally I've decided who's my site's new head. I had first thought of a contest at first. But I had a pretty good idea of the ppl who would enter the contest and I knew very well no one would be as good at the job than TingTong09 or Me12101. But since I knew that Me was too busy for the job so I decided to make Ting the new Head. I also wanted to make one of my authors the new head at first but I couldn't think of anyone who could handle the job. I'm sorry if I've disappointed some ppl with this post or with my decision to quit CP. Sorry guyz !!!
Well I also decided to give a brief history of Club Penguin Congress ™. 
This site was started in the first week of August. At that time I was the only worker but soon I added my friend Tazmania123 to the site. Soon afterwards I met my friends NepoleonIII, Vapnoar777, Kcaj497  and Kookle910. I added them all other than NepoleonIII as authors on my site. Soon afterwards I met my best friend Saikrish and several other friends =] . Then in December I added Me12101 as an author on the site after he won a contest. January and Feburary were some of the funest months of my life as I met many new friends and added my friends Saikrish, Bart1879 and Millywily to Club Penguin Congress ™. But then I started playing a game called Pandanda  . I found the game as much more fun than CP. Then when some of my friends started to quit CP and so I decided to do so as well. Today I decided to say good bye to Club Penguin Congress ™ and gave the site to TingTong09. He is the new head of the site and any decisions he makes r NONE OF MY CONCERN. But I will still stay on the site for 1 more week to ensure that my author contest ends smoothly. Plus I'll also be on CP from time to time but only for parties. But I'll mostly be on my twitter, chat and Pandanda. Plus I havent quit blogging. I have a new site about Pandanda. Its
Be sure to visit it if u need help with Pandanda. Plus I'll also have a going away party =]
So I guess its time to say GOOD BYE. Well GOOD BYE ! Club Penguin Congress ™ I'll miss u. I'll post my going away party details later. Have fun with ur new head TingTong09.

- Alto Bhai, Club Penguin Congress ™ Founder -

AA on CP

Hello penguins have you met Aunt Arctic yet? Well I just did right before I did this post... Well please read throught this post, I do have some tips too!

First of all, here is what her player card looks like... Well as you can see where you can add her there is a box... That gives you her background... I like it.
Here is the best way to find her... click on your buddy list and then click on the middle button with 2 eyes and no mouth. If you see a BIG SMILE then that means that a famous penguin is in the room. (Can be Rockhopper, Cadance, G Billy, Aunt Arctic etc.) Here is what the thing that asks if you want the background... I said no... JKHere is what Aunt Arctic looks like on cp... Dont fall for the fakers... (Not that you will ;))
For all of you hackers here are the Item Id's:
Id: 5022, Item: Penguin Play Award.
Id:9020, Item: Penguin Awards Background.
Id: 9021, Item: Aunt Arctic’s Autograph.
Here are some tips:
Go on high populated servers.
If you can search with a group.
Look in all sorts of different servers.
Don't stop Trying

Hope you find Aunt Arctic or anyone else you are trying to find! Sorry it took so long to post... Until then...

Igloo Catalog Cheats of MARCH/APRIL

Hiya guys! The new igloo catalog cheats are here!
Electric Guitar= Disco Ball
Click on the word Puffle= White Puffle Poster
Koi Pond= Ice Table

Pinata= Aquarium

Velvet Rope = Welcom Mat

Snow Builder Tower= Green Bird house
So wasn't that ALOT of cheats or what?! AND THATS NOT EVEN THE END. STILL MORE CHEATS TO COME!

CP Awards Catalog Cheats

I am dressing up. You?

Anyhows, the catalog includes stuffs from all 5 plays! BUT, there are even cheats!!!!
Click on the award on page 2.
Click da hat! :D 10 cins for a hat? My budget! ;-)
Be a squid for once!! CLICK THE *VS* WORDS! Do penguins live on water or in it? Umm, both?
THERE ARE ALOT OF CHEATS~~ that means there are going to be mpre posts!

Mini contest for my authors

Well since its hard to choose the head of the site I want my authors to try to prove them selves by making posts about today's CP cheats. The author that makes them first will be one step closer to becoming the new head of the site. So get posting. Good luck !

- Alto Bhai, Soon to be no longer Club Penguin Congress ™ Head -

Snow Sculptures update

CP just announced that the snow sculptures will be on display around CP on Friday

They also gave us a sneak peek of a snow sculpture that will be on display at the ski village 

Plus the Penguin Awards will start in a few days =]

- Alto Bhai, soon to be no longer Club Penguin Congress ™ Head -


News Paper and Events!

Hey everyone! Its me Kookle910 and it is 8:20 and it is really early for the newspaper to be coming out early! Well I knew I could find it on a server! Any way here are some events:

March 20: Furniture Catalog, Penguin Play Awards, Snow Sculpture Showcase
March 27: New Pin, New Martial Artwork Catalog for Ninjas!!!!!!! (Which is me and I am so happy about!)

So I hope to take some piuctures of the penguin play and post them, or I won't and nobody on this blog is a member so we won't be showing the pictures so tough luck! Well I hope to do the first choice! Well gotta waddle! (I don't have my sign off cause I'm on a different computer.)

New Catalogue Cheats and Mine under Construction
You can also still apply for the blogroll by commenting! -Ting