Contest rules!!!!!

Here are the rules to the contest!!!!!!!!

Step 1: The first question will start next week on Wednesday February 18 2009.

Step 2: One person will be eliminated 1 day before the knew question.

Step 3: If I run out of questions I will have 1 backup question.

Step 4: There will be no use of the Internet when answering these questions, if so the will be disqualified.

Step 5: The winner will send me a post on what they want to let everyone know.

Ok!!!!!!!!!Well better get prepared!!!!!!!!And remember you will be disqualified if you search it up on the Internet!**Kook**


Any links , harmful language or insults will not be posted.

New Catalogue Cheats and Mine under Construction
You can also still apply for the blogroll by commenting! -Ting