New DJ3K music, new igloo music & Spanish servers!

To buy the new music click on the piece of paper on the right side of the blue bar or the box of records near the door. There are three records: Funky, Festival and Jungle. They cost 75 coins each.

When you play the game it takes you to a new screen where you chose the record you want to use.

And if your walking a yellow puffle when you play the game, it plays with you!!

Now for igloo music. The new tracks are; Viking Opera, Mountain Dojo, Silly to Funky and Planet Y.
Spanish Servers. Here's what Billybob said:
¡Hola Penguins! We're really excited to let you know that after a lot of people asking, and some hard work to make it happen, we've got another language joining our community! Over the past year we've given the Portuguese and French languages big Club Penguin greetings, and now we'd really love for you to help us welcome Spanish.We're still in the beginning stages, so there still might be some bugs to fix, but we knew you'd want to be the very first to help say hello (hola)!
If you log in and choose the Spanish language at the top right of your screen, you can help let our brand new community know how excited we are that they're here.
Hello! -¡Hola!
Welcome! - ¡Bienvenidos!
Congratulations! - ¡Felicitaciones!
Waddle on! - ¡A pingüinear!
You're cool! -¡Eres genial!
Let us know what you think!
¡Sigan pingüineando! (until then...Waddle on!) -Club Penguin Team

~ Purple

Author Contest... Round 1: Who wants to be an author?

OK so if you want to be an author, comment with your penguin name, real age (optional), and things about you, your cp account, when you will post, things like that. 4 will go through to the next round. Thank you!


It's the end of the ride for our authors... Except Purple

OK, the time has come, sorry authors, but whats the point of having you here if you dont post? So, Kcaj497, 97tootie, pengithebest and bart 1879. Milly, if you can prove yourself that you are alive and are able to post, then you will have another chance, because you actually have posted a couple of times. Purple and Milly, please keep on posting and I will have an author contest tomorrow, hopefully.

Thank you authors for.... being on the site...



(R.I.P King of Pop)

Penguin Times Issue #193

Hey guys. The articles in this weeks newspaper are about the new music for DJ3K, Sensei visiting and In focus is Surf's Up.
There's new music for DJ3K (The DJ game in the nightclub) on June 26th. Members ( Sorry non mems, I know how It feels like not being able to do all the stuff members do, here's a tip for getting membership: find £20 at a cinema like I did lol!) will be able to buy new tracks from a catalogue that's gonna be in the Night Club and take them to the game to play!
If your a ninja you may have a chance of meeting the one and only Sensei! From June 3-5 he will be showing his face in the Ninja Hideout! So if you're not a ninja get battling to earn that black belt and ninja mask!
The events happening this week are: July 3-5 Sensei Visits the Ninja Hideout, July 10- August 13 Ruby and the Ruby returns to the stage, June 26 new Igloo Upgrades Catalogue.


New Pin & New Better Igloos Catalog!

Hii! Today a new pin came out, it's a water melon and you can find it on the stairs of the Lighthouse under the picture of Rockhopper.
A new Better Igloo's catalogue came out aswell. Here are the hidden items. On the first page you can get the LCD T.V by clicking on the flames of the Bamboo Torch.
You can get the Penguin Knight Sculpure by clicking on the fish on the Medieval Banner.
You can get the Wheelbarrow by clicking on the bottom leafy part of the Poodle Plant.
And you can get the Picket Fence by clicking on the corn plant on the right.
There's also a new login screen. It says that there's a new limited edition 3 month membership! And Club Penguin have brought back the Soccer Pitch. Boooooooo!!

~ Purple

Penguin Times Issue #192

Hey guys. A new issue of the Club Penguin Times came out today. They announced the winners of the dojo igloo decorating contest. The winners are; Blue ise, Codemommy, Freeze The 1, Glaceon614, Han Solo 8, Loulou Emzee, Manaphy7997, Saska97, Stinkyman 10 and Ughabug. Congratz all those who won.

Upcoming Events:
June 26- New Music For Igloos.
June 19-July 16- New Better Igloos Catalogue.
June 26- New sounds For DJ3K (Only for members, sorry nons)
June 19- New Pin (If you haven't got the current pin yet its in the book room.)

~ Purple

New Treasure book!

Hey people!!! Club penguin will be releasing a series 3 Treasure book! To see it go to
There are loads of awesome items in the new book but my favourites are The Funster, The Blue Boa, The Black Penguin Band Hoodie and The Stuffed Bunny! Club Penguin are still making changes to the book and right now there are three hidden items, all in the same place, they are the Bee Atenna, Bee Wings and the Bee Costume. You can find them by clicking on the tree on the far left on the page with the Squidzoid and Fish costume inbetween Squidzoid and the fish.

~ Purple

Party Clue #1

Re-arange the letters in the picture to find out what type of clue it is. (Room, server, Time, Date) Find out the clue in the picture if you want to come to our amazing party!

:) Cya!


Adventure Party Cheats!

Hey! AUTHORS PLEASE WAKE UP!!! Nearly all the authors on this site are going to have to be fired. Im sorry about this but you never post except Purple. I have recieved a couple of suggestions in CPCIP for authors and I am going to make them happen I think. Anyhowz, here are the cheats!

First, go to the underground pool and click on the fish out the window


Next, go to the surf shack in the cove and click the big flower thingyap2

Next, go to the dock and click the turtle at the bottomap3

Then go to the snow forts and click on the flowers in the bush


Then click the water shooting out of the sea at the iceberg and the whale will appearap5

Next go to the plaza and click on the flowers on the top right corner of your screenap7

Then click the bubbles in the water at the beach and the jellyfish will appearap8

Lastly, click the big flower at the forest


You will then receive this background: (Not the bird)


The first free item is at the plaza, the safari hat


And the second free item is up the tree in the forest, its a skinny birdy thingap12

And thats it! I will be thinking all day about what Im going to do with the authors :D



Vacation/Holiday Its up to you purple!

Hey! Im posting this just before I go on holiday for a couple of days! Purple, you are now an admin, plaease remove all things to do with CPCIP and get posting!! Thanks!


Time is running out...

Hurry! CPCIP is soon over, so get suggesting fast!!
New Catalogue Cheats and Mine under Construction
You can also still apply for the blogroll by commenting! -Ting