It's the end of the ride for our authors... Except Purple

OK, the time has come, sorry authors, but whats the point of having you here if you dont post? So, Kcaj497, 97tootie, pengithebest and bart 1879. Milly, if you can prove yourself that you are alive and are able to post, then you will have another chance, because you actually have posted a couple of times. Purple and Milly, please keep on posting and I will have an author contest tomorrow, hopefully.

Thank you authors for.... being on the site...



(R.I.P King of Pop)


  1. I am sorry, my computrer shut down for 4 weeks becauase I just ,moved from Texas to Nebraska. I will post now.

  2. No offense Ting, but your bossing your authors around to post, and YOU almost never post.....just saying.


  3. Oh phew. For a moment there I thought you were firing me too. Until i read the part ... except purple. I was gonna post about the new igloo music and the dj3k music on friday but club penguin hasnt been loading so sorry about that. When It loads i will post about them unless someone else does it before me.

    ~ Purple

    P.S When are you giving out the other clues for the party??


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You can also still apply for the blogroll by commenting! -Ting