3 Coin Codes

Hey everyone! I got 3 Coin Codes! I am pumped and ready FOR A CONTEST! Who is also?

I am trying to think of a cool idea! So if you have one.... COMMENT!
By clicking here. I will get pictures of my items soon. But in word form I got....(These were the ONLY toys left....)

-Club Penguin Ballerina Plushie
-Club Penguin (Ugh) FAIRY PRINCESS Plushie
-Club Penguin Mix 'n' Match Toys Containing Photographer and Shadow Guy

Pretty cool huh?
Note that THESE were the only toys left!


  1. heyy milly you could do a picture contest maybe? like you could take a bit from a coulple of rooms and we could say what room that thing is in maybe? just a thought...

  2. hmmm do a drawing contest i dunno u could do a pic contest like spy said or a party invo contest


  3. Commenting contest who has the most comments!

  4. Just make a contest where you have to guess a number between 1 and 10000. I'm good at those contests.

  5. I need a toy code. Commenting contest. if you give me a toy code any of you, ill give you a free acount with a few items on it! PLZPLZPLZ!!!!!!!!

  6. how about you try an igloo contest like a theme like ninja?

  7. when you get a code is it for only 1 item in the tresure book?

  8. I think an igloo contest would be awesome. so i agree with pinkpurr98.


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