New Authors!

OK, since we only currently have 2 authors on the site, ive decided to let Kook and Emie on the site because we need more authors.. Your written applications were both very good so everyone welcome, Kook and Emie!! But, please vote on which header you like the best! For Fairness reasons, I'm not revealing whos is whos.


Thank you kook and emie for the headers! PLease comment with the number you want on this post to vote. Cya l8r!



  1. I think both of the headers are great but I think I'm gonna have to go with #2!

    ~ Purple

    P.S. Welcome to Cp Congress Emie and welcome back to CP Congress Kookle!

  2. i like #1 because #1 is pretty simple and gets to the point while #2 looks like theres so much to look at. ps i think i know who did #1.

  3. i like #2 its way cooler than mine i dint do so well. lol


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