Ninjas in news and front page !!!

Ninjas Ninjas Ninjas every where
They even made it to CP main page.

And the newspaper
Press N, I, N, J, A on the headin on page A2

2 see this message

O_o looks like a journey we have to make to become a NINJA
~ Alto Bhai - Head of CP Congress ~ 


  1. Hey Alto Bhai! Thanks for letting me be Chief Moderator! Thanks- And I have found nothing which is good and I also go on Fhord alot.... sorry I couldn't meet up with you last night. I was at this party. The secret passage to the Fire,Water, and Snow card I think is related to the ninjas training! It's quite unexpected that Club Penguin would start doing this now. Halloween was the best place to start!

  2. Hey Alto Bhai, I'm on Fjord at the Coffee Shop if your on 7:00am CP Time!


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