
Hey everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!I am going to be making news letters and send them to the people who sign up to get a news letter...If you want to be sent a news letter then e mail me at and just tell me that you want a newsletter.I will be making them and Alto Bhai will edit and add stuff to it then send it to me.Then I will type it up and add pictures and send it to all of you who wanted it..It will start every month so since December has begun then I will start it in Januara.So remember it will start in Januaray!!!!!!!!My e-mail is It is a big improvement so help us make it happen!!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks!!!!!Kookle910 out!!!!!


  1. And what does the newsletter contain...?

  2. I entered! Woo! This is going to be kewl!

  3. ya Kookle tell me what I have to do cuz I have no clue :P
    Plus come to my party k ;~)


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