Lots of Stuff!!!!!!

Hello everyone!!!!!!!I am finally on my new comp and it is running very slow!!!!!!!!!!I will try the best I can to keep posting but it will be extremely hard...Anyway I have only received two messages from...Drum roll please!!!!!!!(drum roll going)...I will announce them later!!!!!!!!!!!!Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!jk..jk..ok the messages that were sent to my were...Milly Willy, and...""Michael Alger"...Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hooray for them!!!!!!!!!!!I am almost a black belt so we can have the party!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok this is really crazy....I am going to be holding a contest the week after this...(because this is Sunday over here...)And i will only invite my friends and three winners...I will throw a Christmas movie awesome party at my Iggy...I will only add 1 lucky penguin winner of the contest....Good luck to all!!!!!!Kookle910 out!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet Kookle! And sorry your laptop is not fast, I will do every thing I cam do to get into your igloo! JK



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