Lots of Cool Stuff!!!!!!!

hey everyone!!!!I have decide to release my super secret into the blogger world!!!!!!Anyway here it is:

I had 1 blog before this blog before that blog...(lets just say that it was my first...)So I realize that Mimo777has inspired me and I follow in his exact footsteps.That day I was related to Mimo777 or maybe his brother ...I thought about it and just thought and thought and thought till I thought too hard and I posted it that I was Mimo777's brother...I don't remember much but I think we did get separated at birth and I came to Colorado in the U.S.Now today everybody knows!!!!(well just the penguins who read this!!!)Oh ok I got to go!!!!!!!

Also I'm making some videos of me doing funny,(but stupid) stuff!!!!!I will have a blog and will probably call it Kook's Video Hangout!!!!!!Idk because I haven't made the blog yet so.....Ya and my user name on Youtube will be Kyle I repeat it is Kyle...I will have my blog up and running in January probably but hopefully a few days before New Years Eve!!!!Also I will do holidays too and throw a party with my friends!!!!!!So watch out!!!!!!!!Kookle910 out!!!(It took my a long time to post this so plz post comments!!!!!!


  1. Dude ur sooooo not his bro

  2. brother?!?!? kinda impossible lol..... heke

  3. I'm with chuckleloo. Ya its Impossible for u to be Mimo's bro.

  4. u mimos bro? umm... if u were wouldnt u part of his blog? r u sure? i am notbelieven it.... hehe

  5. If your mimo's bro then im Cena121212's Sister!

  6. Uhhh Correct that last comment That cam out wrong BROTHER! lol

  7. Me12101 maybe u got it wrong I think u r Cena's sister :P I'll inform Mimo7788 that he now has 2 bros and 1 sister when he used to have only 2 bro's and no sis


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