Penguin Times Issue #201

Hey peeps!! The new newspaper is out!
The main story (and only story) is about the success of the Festival of Flight! The weird thing is, it says club penguin has been safely returned to the water but, it's still in the air! Anyway, it was a great party and I hope we get to party up in the air again!

The upcoming events this week are:

August 21 - September 10: Underwater Adventure!
August 21 - September 17: New Better Igloos Catalogue!
August 28: New Snow and Sports Catalogue!
August 28: New Pin!
August 22: Purple Polo is 3 years old!!
Please dont forget to come to my party, I'll be upset if no one shows up!!

Here's the information!!

22 August!
Sherbet, my igloo! (Which will be on the map!)
10am PST (Penguin Standard Time), 6pm GMT, 1pm Eastern, 12pm Central, 11am Mountain, 10am Pacific!
Hope you can come!!

~ Purple


  1. I am coming if it makes you very happy!my penguin name is called Soccer594 and plzz make me as your buddy to thx!

  2. Yay! Thanks. One thing I forgot to mention is that I will be adding everyone who shows up because there probably wont be alot of people. But know I know there'll be at least one I'm happy! =)


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