Reviewed by you and colour vote!

Billybob updated the blog and here's what he said:

Hello Penguins!

It's almost here! The Music Jam kicks off tomorrow and there were lots of cool answers to last week's question about how you guys are getting ready for it. Here's one we liked from Otter's Rule:

Me and my friends are all getting ready for the Music Jam Party already. We've got all of our instruments gathered up and have already started practicing! We have these rockin' cool outfits too. I think this Music Jam will be the biggest party on Club Penguin yet! We've also planned to meet the Penguin Band backstage. We can hardly wait for this rockin' cool party! Waddle On!

Thanks - Sounds like you're ready for the party!

The team's getting pretty excited around here because next Friday, July 24, you'll be able to go to a voting booth in the Forest and choose a BRAND NEW penguin color!! Here they are:
So - this week, we want to know which color you're thinking you might vote for... Do you like the Lavender, Maroon, or Aqua? And why?

Thanks for keep your responses between 50 - 75 words!

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

So CP showed us a picture of what the colours look like on penguins without clothes on. But how about penguins with clothes? Well heres a picture of my penguin with the three different colours:

Pretty awesome are'nt they?! Well because of these pics I've changed my mind and instead of voting for lavender I'm gonna vote for maroon!

~ Purple!


  1. i like maroon. i hope aqua doesnt win! it looks exactly like blue wich we already have. ps:i asked my mom to buy a membership card and she said she will think about it

  2. Yeah aqua does look like blue doesn't it! I never thought of that before. I hope it doesn't win too. I want either maroon or lavender to win!

    P.S. Thanks for asking your mom (hehe mom! Soz i live in england and think the word mom is cool, lmao) about buying a membership card. =D


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