Penguin Times Issue #196

Hey penguins! The new issue of CP Times came out today!! The main article today is of course about the Music Jam! It'll be hitting CP Tomorrow and It'll be here til the 26th! That's 10 days of rockin' or chillin' or whatever your gonna be doin'! Scroll down for more info' about the Music Jam! There's also an article about voting for a new colour! There's more about that if you scroll down.

WOO! It's time to ROCK! Starting tomorrow, Club Penguin's gonna be rockin' side to side with a whole load of different types of music! Members can buy a All Access Pass at the merchandise booth (if it's where it was last year (and if I'm remembering last year correctly) the merchandise booth will be at the Snow Forts). Now, if you wanna know where some of the things are taking place, look below at the map of CP!
The Main Stage will be at the Dock and it'll be changing music type all the time, so keep checking back!
Bubble Pop will be at the Lighthouse!
The Penguin Band will be at the Ice Berg! (Let's hope it doesn't tip!)
Easy Island Music will be chillin' at the Cove!
Orca-Straw will be at Ski Village!
Don't worry this isn't the only stages that will be there! The map's showing only CP's 5 favourites!
Well it's been absolutely ages since CP let us chose a new colour! I think it was out of lavender and lime green. Lime green won, which I wasn't happy about. Anyway, this year CP are letting us chose out of three colours! Either maroon, aqua or lavender will become available at the gift shop in August '09's Penguin Style. So I'm gonna be voting for lavender on every single one of my penguins (I have quite a few)! What colour are you gonna be voting for? (LAVENDER!!!!)
The events this week are as follows:
Music Jam! The 17th (TOMORROW!) til the 26th.
Music Catalogue! 17th til 26th!
New Better Igloos Catalogue! July 17th- August 20!
Colour Vote! 24th-29th at the Plaza!

~ Purple!


P.S.S. My membership runs out on the 20th so if anyone would be kind enough to send me a membership code to I would really really appreciate it. I don't care how long it's for I just really want to stay a member and my parents wont buy me membership and I don't get pocket money. But if no one can donate me one I'm sure I'll live! =D

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