Not Quitting

Me12101, thank you for giving me sense. Im not quitting but i do need
help getting this site up in hits and looks nicer etc etc.. So thank
you those people who wanted me to stay, i will and i hope we can make
a great site together. I'll start 2nite cos im still driving home from
scotland. Btw, im trying not to use text language in this cos im on my
phone, trust me if you wer texting me it wud hav lots more text
language) so bye 4 now!

P.S. Please stop swearing about me in your comments.


  1. Thank god you've come to your senses Ting. I'll try and help the site get more hits and stuff but i wont be able to help make it look nicer 'cause I'm pretty rubbish at that sort of stuff!

    ~ Purple

  2. Im so glad your not quiting ting! I can do alot of things if you need help. I can give coin codes away to advertise on sites. If you need anything, ill do it.

  3. Ting I have quit just because it was boring and that was rong but now that I have already made you the header, if you let me back in I have some trackers that we could use and tons of ideas for this! but I wont post, I could be like a techy dude on this site. I love to improvae and add stuff! Please add me cuz I like to help!

  4. Hey Ting, Heres so more big brotherly advice from thee limey:

    Ting, no offense but your a lazy president. Your the president of this site. Yet, when was the last time you actually posted CLUB PENGUIN UPDATES!?!?!

    You depend on your authors for everything and all you do is sit back and pick your nose.

    Purple Polo has been working her ass off since you hired her. Ocationally, Someone helped her out...BUT NOT YOU!

    The last time you posted was the Adventure party cheats- and you got all bent out of shape that you had to post and your authors didnt.

    Your the president you SHOULD be bossing your authors around (you do). AND post something yourself. But the times after the adventure party, you posted just about this site, and your vacations.

    You post, don't boss around.


Any links , harmful language or insults will not be posted.

New Catalogue Cheats and Mine under Construction
You can also still apply for the blogroll by commenting! -Ting