OKAY, SO I TRIED TO LOG ONTO PURPLE POLO AND IT SAID INCORRECT PASSWORD!!!! SOMEONES CHANGED MY PASSWORD, SOMEHOW. i'M CONFUSED. Unless it was my dad, coz when i made my penguin ages ago it was on my dads email and still is. But i don't see why he'd do that. And i was on my peng last night and my dad was in bed and he got up at like 6am today to go to work so he couldn't have done it!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! >=( i'M SO MAD AND ANGRY AND SAD AND CONFUSED RIGHT NOW!!!

~ Purple >=(

UPDATE: It's okay guys. I still don't know how the password was changed but i switched the email for purple polo from my dads to mine and changed the pass. And I'm a member again! Yay.

1 comment:

  1. Ting tong how did u make kcaj497@cpcongress.com? I cant make it at @(yourchoice).com?

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