What's New; Mission 11

It has been a while since we have gotten a new mission. Nearly a year! Billybob was proud to announce the coming of Mission 11!

First he is giving away sunglasses to everyone that completes the mission. But you get to decide on what pair to give out. Pair 2 are winning with my vote and tons of % more. :]! Click HERE to vote!

If you own or have played Club Penguin Elite, you may recognize this penguin. Her name is Dot for penguins who don't know and she is squeezing into the virtual world by helping us become better agents in the future! Billybob the team and he are working on it have said that more info will be released in December!

That is all. Are you ready? Are you pumped? Will Mission 11 be any harder than the others?


1 comment:

  1. um my quest in is when mission 11 out its 2010 but its not their!


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