Card-Jitsu Fire! (And update on membership contest)

Hey people! I've just discovered, thanks to SkaterJessie ( ) that there's going to be a new journey for ninjas to take so they can become a fire ninja! The sad thing is you have to be a member as well as a ninja, that reminds me that I, still!!, haven't posted that membership contest and I am so sorry, I guess it just keeps slipping my mind.

Anyway, back to the point! Here's a sneak peak, courtesy of SkaterJessie and her site, of the new ninja game:

Right, back to the membership comp. It's been over a month since I told you all we'd have a guess the room contest for the membership code Emie gave me when she quit but I still haven't posted that contest! So here's the update: I'm finding it quite hard to make the rooms look different and all the one's I make are reaally easy to figure out... So I've decided to do a quiz instead because I think that was the one that came second on the poll, I can't really remember. Anyway, I'm already starting to think of questions and I promise the quiz will be posted today or at the latest tomorrow. Sorry for all the waiting and sorry to those of you who wanted to do a guess the room contest.

Bye for now,

~ Purple


  1. Thanks for the credit Purple! And Thanks for following DJCP! You're one of the few people who have been nice and given me some credit!

    -DJ Skaterjessie

  2. xD Get going with that membership ocntest!!! I need a membership!!!

  3. I need a membership too! You got competition Limey! ^_^


  4. ^.^ Your so going down Milly

  5. No problemo SkaterJessie, I think your site's awesome and It'd be mean not to give you credit for the link. And Milly n Lime the comp WILL be up today, I've neaarly finished it xD.

    ~ Purple

  6. Thats ok! I hope I win!



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