Norman Swarm has been Transformed!

There's a new log-in screen on cp. It's for the new play "Norman Swarm has been Transformed":
I have reasons to believe that this play will either make us shrink or will be so big it will make us look like we've been shrunk. I say this because, on the new log-in screen it says: There's a GIANT adventure waiting for you at the stage. And on the picture of the play in the newspaper there's a bee and a ladybird and they're small and on the one on the log-in screen I think there's a fairy and fairies are small.

So anyway, the log-in screen also says there's gonna be a secret room... groovy, although I hav a a feeling it may be a members-only room. Let's hope not :).

We'll be able to figure out both of those mysteries on 13th November when the play comes out.

Bye for now,



  1. Wow your really smart... you can figure things out really well. Very fasanaiting
    (or how ever the heck you spell it)


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