Card-Jitsu Fire!

Hey guys! Card-Jitsu Fire is finally here and it is aweeesome!!! I logged in and I found this postcard from Sensei:
So I went to the Dojo and it was decorated with orange and yellow like fire:
To go the Fire Dojo, if you don't already know, you click on the little stone with the note that says new game and a doorway will open up.
At the Fire Dojo you can go speak to Sensei (who will be wearing a Fire Suit btw :L) and he will say this to you:
When he has finished speaking you will begin playing a game.
This is the arena you play in:

Here's how to play, it's pretty simple but very cool:

1. When it's your turn you pick a stone and your penguin moves the amount of times stated on that stone. You choose wether to move left or right.

2. Pick the highest card you have out of the ones you can pick (the card you can pick depends on what element you stand on).

3. If you get the highest number card then you keep your energy, if you don't you loose 1 energy (If you're playing against one player on one of the stones with cards then you will take one of their energy if youw in). Once all but one penguin has lost their energy the game ends. The person who still has energy left wins.

Well thats all for now, have fun playing card-Jitsu Fire, and good lucj earning your Fire Suit!

~ Purple

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