Mystery Penguin Will Reveal Himself At...

This is an official post of the mystery penguin who you will be finding out about.

Hello Penguins :D
I will reveal myself on the 10th April at anytime. I might be including a special prize soon, for all you non-members. Hint hint ;) I will love to also see you penguins at a special party which will also be coming soon. Hint hint ;)

If you cant wait and you want to guess who i am i will scramble all the letters from my name for you below and you can guess by commenting. And also i have been commenting all over the site :D

The scrambled name is: LUYLOPPYVLLO

Thank you penguins and i hope you are excited to know how i am and also of course about the near by surprises coming along.

-Mystery Penguin


  1. i have been guessing this is hard so far i think ive got lolly

  2. Wow gpenguin1 so far youve gotten 1/3 of the way... Keep it up

  3. Same here I think something like lollypoppylv this is hard.. can't wait to find out! :)

  4. its lolypop then i cant work out the other 4 words

  5. I'm thinking lollypopluvy because i've been looking at comments on some of the posts and found that name wich includes all the letters :D. Well, I love what you've done with the site, it looks pretty awesomee. Much better than when I was the owner. :)

    ~ Purple

  6. Ohh! I think I have it! Lollypopyluv? Looks like it! Do I have it kinda?

  7. Purple Polo got it right! But I'm not posting the comment, Anonymous (the comment above this one) is very nearly right! Good luck!


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