White Puffle

The Mystrey Puffle has been revealed and its white.According to me this is the puffle that was hiding in the new wallpaper.

P.S. sorry for not posting for a long time


  1. oh the white puffle is cool I saw it once and I just hate it when people are like liar when it's actually there

  2. anonymous, people say that because not every one can see the puffle at the same time. You also have to wait 25 minutes, so they may have been there for less time, so they cant see it.

  3. I saw the white puffle at the ski mountain! I screamed that i saw it but nobody, including my friend, believed me!

  4. its true i taped so people will beileve me but they might not.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Awsome!! i wanna put this on my blog to
    (hopefully u r ok with that)

  7. I saw it in Puffle Round Up this morning

  8. @ Anonymous

    Ur right. It has been sighted in the Puffle round up game. Thnx for the info

    - Alto Bhai , Club Penguin Congress ™ Head -

  9. I have looked and waited but I have never seen the white puffle! Does it really exists?


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