An Old Video!

Hey everyone I was just thinking about this video that I made with my best friends on CP!!!!!!!!!Well here it is!!!!!!!And also thanks to Vapnoar777, Kcaj497, Ekul 599, and Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I hoped you liked it!!!!!And please don't laugh because I was the girl.......It was the last part!!!!!!!!**Kook**


  1. Please come to my Party!

    DATE:14th Feb 2009

    TIME: 2:00 PST PM


    ROOM:The Cove

  2. Oh ya!!! I loved that movie!

  3. =D this Movie rocks. I remember sein it on Vap's site when u guyz first made it and techdeckguy sorry I cant come cuz it'll be 3:00am in my time and I'll be sleepin sorry.

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