Optical Illusions!

Ow!!!!!!!!!I have a major headache!!!!!!!!!Well Hey!!!!!I just wanted to stop by and say hello........Wait I can't stop by your house and just say hi on a computer....well I sorta can cause its my computer but IDK anymore!!!!!!!!!!!Well here are some riddles that will make you think like I just did......Actually I want to show you some optical illusions.(Above)**Kook**


  1. nvm, I am now at server Mammoth. When can we meet again?? I was in SHOCK when I saw you sitting near the Night Club sign in Town =O

  2. oh ya sorry I logged off. Maybe I'll meet u some time later k

    - Alto Bhai , Club Penguin Congress ™ Head -

  3. Hey kook awesome pics. I'm confusled XD

    - Alto Bhai , Club Penguin Congress ™ Head -


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