Update: This is the last day to sign up! CPCIP will start, maybe in a few hours, maybe I will start now... who knows? While our site is down, why not count on Lime Cheats for info.
13 penguins are currently taking part.
*Note: This post is stuck to the top of the page. Please scroll down for updates. 

Update: Please tell others about CPCIP as we want to get as many people as we can to join in.
Update 2: Authors are already included in CPCIP but please fill out the form anyway so that I can see who is taking part.

Ok, I think you all agree that since alto left, this site has failed a bit. So I have launched, CPCIP. The Club Penguin Congress Improvement Project. This is what it is:
  • Visitors of the site will comment in, stating improvement ideas they think could help the site. 
  • The site will be closed and only open to people who want to take part in CPCIP.
Anyone who wants to take part in CPCIP, please fill out this form: (Please make sure this email is your BLOGGER email, when CPCIP starts, you will have to log into blogger before reading the site, this will only be if you are taking part, the site will be closed for people who dont want to take part)

All fields are required

Your Penguin Name
Your Email Address
Please state: I want to take part in CPCIP
Please enter the text from the image

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This is only to see who is included. The CPCIP will start later on. Do NOT send anything else in the third box exept: I want to take part in CPCIP. CPC will close to people who dont want to take part later on in the month maybe. Please do your bit and help out with this project. Like the CPIP (club penguin improvement project) I will give something to people who take part, after its over. (Actually, when CPCIP starts, that could be a subject of improvement, what to give to people who take part) So thank you for reading this incredibly long post and I hope you will take part. 


P.S. CPC will stay as normal, posting cheats and things, until CPCIP starts. After CPCIP, we will go back to posting cheats but hopefully, the site will be improved!

P.P.S. No one on CPC will be fired until AFTER CPCIP is over. The author contest winners will also be announced after CPCIP.

P.P.P.S. My fingers are now very sore from typing all this... :)

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