5000 Hits party!!!

Hi Penguins... Pengithebest Here
Guys Guess what.........
Time to have a party.....
A cool 5000 hits party..
Here's the party background check it..
Here are the details if you cant see it above
Date: 16th May
Day: Saturday
Place: Town
Time: 9:00 am Penguin standard time (pst)
Event: 5000 hits party
Server: Fjord
Dont forget to come to the party and enjoy the event..
rock on , dance and enjoy the party
Hope you be there
I will be taking photos and i willl post it in my site
Dont Forget to attent itUntil then

1 comment:

  1. come to my party... Lets rock ...
    lets dance xD
    All who read this please come to my party xD


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