Comic#1,ninjas and bots

This is my first official comic. Tank u Clubpenguin for letting me show ur comics on my site because I know no one views them on Clubpenguin it self. In other news I waddle onto to see if someone had sent a good picture or video that won Mimo's contest. Instead I saw an article about ninjas and bots. It said that Clubpenguin said that for now all the ninja and bots(what ever they r) r just a part of a glitch which should be fixed soon. All those penguins who pretend to be ninjas and climb over walls r just effected by that glitch. This doesn't necessarily mean that ninjas don't exist but for now there r no ninjas. PS=Click on the comic to see it in full size.

1 comment:

  1. Finally my first comic. I hope u guys and gals like it!


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