
Man that was one heck of a party. Here r only some of the pics I took. I took a lot more. I know the quality stinks but Vapnoar777 recently taught me how to take pics on the net so the quality will soon get a lot better. Have u seen that guy who looks like Mimo in the pics. Man talk about obsessed. Any ways Vapnoar777 added me to his friends. Tazmania123 claims he was also added but I aint sure so I'll tell u about that later on Twitter. Any ways long live Vapnoar777.


  1. Thank you! I loved that party, we rocked the house! And yes, I did add Tazmania123.

  2. Hey, I really like your site!
    Plz add to your blogroll
    then comment on my site and I'll add you to my ultimate links!



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