Upcoming Events!

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in aaageees. So here's everything I've missed!

  • There's a new pin in the coffee shop, it's a hot chocolate pin and it's near the sofas.
  • There's a new Better Igloos catalog and Igloo Upgrades, the new cheats are:
    On the second page click the piece of wood on the right to get the Shoe rack. On the third page click the tower on the right hand side of the "Build your own snow fort" for the Fireplace.
  • There's gonna be a maze at the Ski Village starting 24th November.
  • The Card-Jitsu fire starts 24th November as well!

Well I think that's it! Also, Only two people have entered the competition so I'm not having a second round, the winner of the memebership is Pinkalue 456! And in second place is Tomicheal who is winning a non-member penguin of mine. Well done to both of ya!

Well that's all for now! Bye.

~ Purple

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New Catalogue Cheats and Mine under Construction
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