What's New; Mission 11
Card-Jitsu Fire!

Here's how to play, it's pretty simple but very cool:
1. When it's your turn you pick a stone and your penguin moves the amount of times stated on that stone. You choose wether to move left or right.
2. Pick the highest card you have out of the ones you can pick (the card you can pick depends on what element you stand on).
3. If you get the highest number card then you keep your energy, if you don't you loose 1 energy (If you're playing against one player on one of the stones with cards then you will take one of their energy if youw in). Once all but one penguin has lost their energy the game ends. The person who still has energy left wins.
Well thats all for now, have fun playing card-Jitsu Fire, and good lucj earning your Fire Suit!
~ Purple
Upcoming Events!
- There's a new pin in the coffee shop, it's a hot chocolate pin and it's near the sofas.
- There's a new Better Igloos catalog and Igloo Upgrades, the new cheats are:
On the second page click the piece of wood on the right to get the Shoe rack. On the third page click the tower on the right hand side of the "Build your own snow fort" for the Fireplace. - There's gonna be a maze at the Ski Village starting 24th November.
- The Card-Jitsu fire starts 24th November as well!
Well I think that's it! Also, Only two people have entered the competition so I'm not having a second round, the winner of the memebership is Pinkalue 456! And in second place is Tomicheal who is winning a non-member penguin of mine. Well done to both of ya!
Well that's all for now! Bye.
~ Purple
Membership Comp!
Membership Contest!
Round 1 Puffle Quiz!
1. When was the purple puffle discovered?
a) November 2005 b) August 2006
c) October 2007 d) February 2008
2. What colour puffle did Rockhopper find on his island?
3. True or False? The green puffle drools while it's sleeping.
4. How many types of puffle are there?
5. What makes the white puffle different to the others?
a) It has bigger eyes b)It's smaller
c) It smells d) It's bigger
6. How many puffles burp after eating their food?
7. What's the name of the green elite puffle in Club Penguin, Elite Penguin Force?
a) Chirp b) Pop
c) Flit d) Bouncer
8. True or False? The Night Club was decorated in pink for the puffle party.
9. What month did puffles begin interacting with their furniture?
10. How much do puffles cost?
Well there's the first round of the competition! Don't comment with your answers!! E-mail them to purplepolo@hotmail.co.uk !!! Everyone who gets 9 or 10 answers correct are entered into the next round! You have 1 week to get your answers in to my e-mail!
Good Luck!
~ Purple
Card-Jitsu Fire! (And update on membership contest)
Anyway, back to the point! Here's a sneak peak, courtesy of SkaterJessie and her site http://www.djclubpenguin.com, of the new ninja game: http://www.clubpenguin.com/card-jitsu/
Right, back to the membership comp. It's been over a month since I told you all we'd have a guess the room contest for the membership code Emie gave me when she quit but I still haven't posted that contest! So here's the update: I'm finding it quite hard to make the rooms look different and all the one's I make are reaally easy to figure out... So I've decided to do a quiz instead because I think that was the one that came second on the poll, I can't really remember. Anyway, I'm already starting to think of questions and I promise the quiz will be posted today or at the latest tomorrow. Sorry for all the waiting and sorry to those of you who wanted to do a guess the room contest.
Bye for now,
~ Purple
Norman Swarm has been Transformed!

So anyway, the log-in screen also says there's gonna be a secret room... groovy, although I hav a a feeling it may be a members-only room. Let's hope not :).
We'll be able to figure out both of those mysteries on 13th November when the play comes out.
Bye for now,