New DJ3K music, new igloo music & Spanish servers!

To buy the new music click on the piece of paper on the right side of the blue bar or the box of records near the door. There are three records: Funky, Festival and Jungle. They cost 75 coins each.

When you play the game it takes you to a new screen where you chose the record you want to use.

And if your walking a yellow puffle when you play the game, it plays with you!!

Now for igloo music. The new tracks are; Viking Opera, Mountain Dojo, Silly to Funky and Planet Y.
Spanish Servers. Here's what Billybob said:
¡Hola Penguins! We're really excited to let you know that after a lot of people asking, and some hard work to make it happen, we've got another language joining our community! Over the past year we've given the Portuguese and French languages big Club Penguin greetings, and now we'd really love for you to help us welcome Spanish.We're still in the beginning stages, so there still might be some bugs to fix, but we knew you'd want to be the very first to help say hello (hola)!
If you log in and choose the Spanish language at the top right of your screen, you can help let our brand new community know how excited we are that they're here.
Hello! -¡Hola!
Welcome! - ¡Bienvenidos!
Congratulations! - ¡Felicitaciones!
Waddle on! - ¡A pingüinear!
You're cool! -¡Eres genial!
Let us know what you think!
¡Sigan pingüineando! (until then...Waddle on!) -Club Penguin Team

~ Purple

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