First go to the pool.
Now go into the big gate in the middle.
For this step you must walk over to all of the orbs and light them all up. Then the gate will open.In this room there is a free item! How sweet is that. The golden shield. You have to throw snowballs at popping up targets (in the same room that the free shields are in). 50 to be exact. Others can help you, so if you are filling lazy go into a fuller server and get to this room, and just watch.
For the second item cheat, go into the gate I told you about in the previous step, and against the wall, there are free knight helmets.This is the toughest step of all. The maze. Here is the order of the turns:
Now you have all of the items. I like this party way better then the last one. Anyway, until then...
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