Party Belts!!!!!!!!

Hey every penguin who loves your computers!!!!!!!!!Well I finally have a PURPLE BELT!!!!!!!!!!!I am only two away!!!!!!!!!!!I will be having a party soon about my ninja completetion!!!!!!!!!!I will only invite penguins with certian belts!!!!!!!!!!!The penguins with the certian belts are BLUE BELT, RED BELT, PURPLE BELT, BROWN BELT, and BLACK BELTS!!!!!!!!!!!I will give you some time to earn those belts.If you are ready then scroll down and look for the "Send Me a Secret Message Form' and tell me if you are ready to have the party!!!!!!!And if I get more that 50 messages then I will make a reservation for the party.Kookle910 out!


  1. I am a ninja.............................. and you still arent lol!!!!

  2. I became a ninja in three days. I dpn't see why it's taking some people so long.


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