Halloween is here. Yay and the decorations r really scary LOL
Well here r the cheats
Start by goin to the Snow Fort
and collectin the
Now u can start the scavenger hunt
Lets start
Go to the fort with the blue flag and click the flag
to make the candy bar appear
now click it to get it
Now go to the cove and click the Caution sign
To make the pumpkin jump out and fall on top the hut
Click it
Now go to the beacon
and wait for three lightnin flashes. A candy apple will swing out. Click it
Now go to the 1st floor of the Coffee shop and click on the book and get the candy. Now click the candle to make the secret passage appear
But its only for members :(
Now go to the iceberg and click on the lights
For more candy
Now go to the dance lounge and click on the lamp to make
The candy appear
The next one is in the lodge attic
Click on the blue box for
A lollipop
The next one is in the plaza. The hint for this one is double double toil and trouble which is a line from the book Macbeth which I study in School Lol
Anyways click on the top of the pot to
to get A SWEET
Now u can claim ur prize
And the prize
And check out my halloween look
I look EVIL
Well cya
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