The Halloween party and its cheats

Halloween is here. Yay and the decorations r really scary LOL
Well here r the cheats
Start by goin to the Snow Fort 

and collectin the

Now u can start the scavenger hunt
Lets start
Go to the fort with the blue flag and click the flag

to make the candy bar appear 
now click it to get it 

Now go to the cove and click the Caution sign

To make the pumpkin jump out and fall on top the hut
Click it

Now go to the beacon
and wait for three lightnin flashes. A candy apple will swing out. Click it

Now go to the 1st floor of the Coffee shop and click on the book and get the candy. Now click the candle to make the secret passage appear

But its only for members :(

Now go to the iceberg and click on the lights

For more candy

Now go to the dance lounge and click on the lamp to make

The candy appear

The next one is in the lodge attic
Click on the blue box for

A lollipop

The next one is in the plaza. The hint for this one is double double toil and trouble which is a line from the book Macbeth which I study in School Lol
Anyways click on the top of the pot to

to get A SWEET

Now u can claim ur prize

And the prize

And check out my halloween look
I look EVIL

Well cya

Halloween party sneak peek

Here r some sneak peeks of this year's halloween party

O_o the decorations look pretty  LOL ;)

Clubpenguin Cards

Check this out. Clubpenguin cards
O_o they sound fun
And we can unlock a special game with them
I hope they come to Pakistan so that I can bye em and bug
PS= Tazmania123 is evil ( just jokin )

Featured igloo

Here's this weeks featured igloo 

and its of

And she's a Beta and my friend

3rd Anniversary postcard form CP and 2000 hits

Hey guys we all got a special postcard from CP tellin us about the BIG THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY.


Plus now I have over 2000 hits WOOT. Along with that 10 followers. Thanks all u guy U ROCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And my site is ranked # 8 by   ;)

New look

Check out my new look. Cool right. I m about to make changes to my pics in profiles, headers etc.

CP anniversary party and new pin

Finally CP is 3 years old WOOT !!!!
Here r this year's sweet CP cheats
Go to Coffee shop
And click on the button to activate the fan

The fan will blow of the top of the cake and 

u can take the 

They have also brought back the ice cream apron

To bad we already have it ;(

Now here r the cheats for the new pin
Go to night club
Now go to night lounge
On one of the tables u will find a cake

But it will be the pin LOL !!!

These were the sweet cheats.

New book and STORM !

O_o a storm's a comin to Clubpenguin. Looks like other than an eclipse this year a storm is comin so keep an eye out

Plus Heres the new Clubpenguin book

All CP toys revealed :D

:D all the clubpenguin toys have now been revealed. R u gona bye any. I aint :'C
Oh well here r the toys

The look fun ;-)

Featured Igloo

This weeks featured igloo is of 

and here is that lucky igloo

I like it Don't u ?

New Better igloo catalog and CP Anniversary Party

The new better igloo is here to give ur igloo a creepy feelin for Halloween 

Turn to page 9 and click the books on the student desk

To get the 

Now turn to page 11 and click on the fir in the pizza oven

The flame will start burnin like bellow

Now click on it again to get the 

Now turn to page 16
and click on the guitar stand 

to get the

Along with that CP's third anniversary party will be shown in Time square in New York
There will also be a party in Time square which will be shown here on CP
Rock on Clubpenguin

Click to enlarge the pics.

3rd Anniversary and Rockhopper

OOOO Rockhopper's back. :D

Heres the stuff he brought :O

Tis the freeee item

And hes goin soon :'C

And ur probably wondrin who's this guy. Well
its me
Me spare penguin that is

Plus I think I know what this year's hat is gona look like 

See for urself

Catalog cheats will be posted later today !
New Catalogue Cheats and Mine under Construction
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