I'm Me12101, from lime cheats yada, yada, yada.
Ok, To get things strait, When this site got 100-400 UNIQUE visitors a day, I was on this site as an author, and HTML designer. When Alto left, He handed the site over to TingTong09, instead of me, claiming I was to "busy".
Oddly, After Ting joined, the site came to 1-10 UNIQUE hits a day, judging by the un-unique hit counter on the sidebar, theres probably less then half of what the hit counter says.
After Ting quit, Purple Polo took over and started posting.
Im still here!? Alto has protected my position, because I've done so much for this site.
Ting said I didn't do anything, but thats because he didn't ask me to do anything.
With Alto's defence, I'm still here. Weaird, right? IDK what to do.
Another post because I'm bored =P